chifrog was founded in 2012. it is an innovative company with passionate employees focused on the research, development and production of lithium-ion battery-based digital products. we are located in the bao"an industrial centre in shenzhen. chifrog has 12 employees in its offices and 38 on the factory floor. among them there are software and hardware engineers with ample experience in product design, moulding and tooling. we take care in-house of the entire process of product creation: from identity design, material structure design and pcba design to moulding, tooling, plastic injections and assembly-line production. at chifrog we guarantee the quality of our products through the competence of our team and through careful control of our supply chain. we have strict standard operating procedures to select our suppliers and to control the quality of the materials that come into our factories. once our products are complete we perform internal quality control tests to guarantee that each product performs according to its specifications. but you don"t have to trust our word on the quality of our products: chifrog"s many products obtained fcc, ce, rohs, pse, kc, ul, bis certifications, and many are protected by international original design patents. chifrog has a strategic partner in the herewin corporation (listed on the shenzhen stock exchange with code 834158) for the supply of lithium-polymer batteries, one of the most critical and quality-sensitive components of our products. we source our 18650 lithium-ion batteries from szn and fst – the two top brands in china"s domestic battery market – as well as from samsung, lg and sanyo. thanks to our long-standing relationships with suppliers, at chifrog we can secure the most competitive prices for our batteries. the current chifrog product line consists mainly of smartphone accessories, automotive electronics and family entertainment electronics. we monitor the demands of the market attentively for new product ideas, and we are currently manufacturing powerbanks for smartphones, smart bracelet powerbanks, charging cables, solar power banks, jump-starters for cars, car chargers, bluetooth speakers for cars and scooter hoverboards. among the latest products in our line-up are quickcharger 3.0 powerbanks based on a recently-developed qualcomm technology that can charge smartphones at more than twice the rate of normal powerbanks. we are also completing the development of our portable self-heating lunchbox, a product which is absolutely unique on the market. our products are shipped all over of world, and we receive significant positive feedback from our customers. in year 2016 represents a turning point for chifrog as we will expand in the b2c online retail business selling directly on popular shopping sites such as amazon, ebay and aliexpress to further develop our overseas sales. in year 2017, in order to serve foreign customer well, we setup a marketing sale centre in qianhai special economic zones of nanshan district , sales team and marketing staffs worked at here, it’s more convenient to connect to hongkong and all round the world . we will also recruit new personnel to meet the needs of our expanding business, if you are so brilliant and passion , also wanna create you gold dream in shenzhen, welcome to my company and give you a big platform for your dream! do anything you liked。
公司名称: | 锦丰泰科技 |
公司全名: | 深圳市锦丰泰科技有限公司 |
公司性质: | 民营 |
产品分类: | 服装、纺织、皮革 |
所在省市: | 广东-深圳 |
公司行业: | 批发业 |
公司类型: | 有限责任公司 |
企业规模: | 小于50人 |
法人代表: | 李芳 |
注册资本: | 200万人民币 |
注册时间: | 2012年03月05日 |
注册号: | 440306106040694 |
登记机关: | 深圳市市场监督管理局 |
营业期限: | 2012-03-05至2022-03-05 |
经营范围: | 电源设备、电脑周边设备、电子数码产品及配件、通信设备的研发与销售及相关技术咨询;国内贸易,货物及技术进出口。(以上均不含法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定须经批准的项目)^电源设备、电脑周边设备、电子数码产品及配件、通信设备的生产。 |
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