公司名称: | 德诚人事服务中心 |
公司全名: | 广州德诚人事服务中心有限公司 |
公司性质: | 民营 |
产品分类: | 教育、培训、科研院所 |
所在省市: | 广东-广州 |
公司行业: | 商务服务业 |
公司类型: | 其他有限责任公司 |
法人代表: | 祝小珍 |
注册资本: | 500万人民币 |
注册时间: | 2013年09月05日 |
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高级服务器网络工程师(英语) 负责it产品的三线支持。
required skills and qualifications:
the candidate should possess a degree / diploma in computer science, engineering or equivalent.
3-5years of working experience in information technology good knowledge in linux/unix server platform and windows server environments.
basic knowledge in database (sql) development and support (preference on postgres and oracle).
experience in middleware technologies such as weblogic, websphere, jboss, tomcat etc.; experience in rest, soap web services, json etc good knowledge of various network applications protocols, such as 802.1x, sip,fax, h.323, vpn, web-rtc.
working experience in java, j2se/j2ee, linux script programming would be advantageous.
working knowledge of avaya/verint/nice/cisco voip/contact center solution is a plus
fast learner and self-motivator.
good spoken and written skills in english and chinese. able to handle complex communication with global customer.
good teamwork, flexible, responsible
proactive, good interpersonal, logical thinking, analytical skills ability to prioritize workload efficiently in line with business priorities.
able to work independently under pressure and demonstrate initiative, enthusiasm and rapid learning capability.
required skills and qualifications:
the candidate should possess a degree / diploma in computer science, engineering or equivalent.
3-5years of working experience in information technology good knowledge in linux/unix server platform and windows server environments.
basic knowledge in database (sql) development and support (preference on postgres and oracle).
experience in middleware technologies such as weblogic, websphere, jboss, tomcat etc.; experience in rest, soap web services, json etc good knowledge of various network applications protocols, such as 802.1x, sip,fax, h.323, vpn, web-rtc.
working experience in java, j2se/j2ee, linux script programming would be advantageous.
working knowledge of avaya/verint/nice/cisco voip/contact center solution is a plus
fast learner and self-motivator.
good spoken and written skills in english and chinese. able to handle complex communication with global customer.
good teamwork, flexible, responsible
proactive, good interpersonal, logical thinking, analytical skills ability to prioritize workload efficiently in line with business priorities.
able to work independently under pressure and demonstrate initiative, enthusiasm and rapid learning capability.