东莞市礼艺包装有限公司(凯瑞印刷厂)始建于2008年,目前公司拥有具有世界先进水平的全新对开、四开日本小森、对开德国高堡机、海德堡四色高速胶印机,新增加一台7+1对开罗兰机(金、银、烫金、uv等工艺一次性完成),并配有全自动折页机、胶装机、锁线机、骑马钉联动机、覆膜机等系列加工设备。业务范围涉及服装、电子、化妆品、家具、电子、汽车、教育、拍卖行、保险、饮食、旅游、建筑、通信等行业,是一家集设计、印刷、成型为一体的现代化综合印刷企业。 主营业务有: 挂历、台历 画册、产品目录、说明书、彩页、海报、宣传单、名片、不干胶、手提袋、等印刷业务。
公司名称: | 礼艺包装 |
公司全名: | 东莞市礼艺包装有限公司 |
公司性质: | 民营 |
产品分类: | 印刷、包装、造纸 |
所在省市: | 广东-东莞 |
公司行业: | 批发业 |
公司类型: | 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) |
法人代表: | 朱世仲 |
注册资本: | 50万人民币 |
注册时间: | 2015年07月07日 |
注册号: | 441900002561981 |
登记机关: | 广东省东莞市工商行政管理局 |
营业期限: | 2015-07-07至无固定期限 |
经营范围: | 销售:包装材料、纸制品;礼品包装设计;设计、制作:国内外各类广告;室内外装饰工程设计;企业形象策划;从事印刷科技领域内的技术开发、技术服务、技术咨询。 |
礼字的取名意思:表示尊敬的态度和动作;礼节 、礼法。表示庆贺、友好或敬意所赠之物。
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包装业务员 德南纺织 德南纺织科技(上海)有限公司,vcny home,德南,德南纺织 responsibility
1. train new factories and packaging suppliers to make sure they understand different customers packaging requirements within 3 days of po receipt.
2. follow up with merchandisers for on time receipt of photo sample. any photo sample being delayed to receive, push vc sho merchandising team.
3. review daily inspection report for any packaging related issue, discuss with factory and provide final solution to it within a day.
4. for any packaging material ensure that prior to production, factory or packaging supplier gets approval from you or from vc us office. any approval needs to be signed off on it with email confirming the approval.
5. review red seal along with merchandising and advice comments on the product from packaging point of view.
6. provide weekly update on packaging to vc us office and to vc sho merchandising team.
7. do common filling with merchandising team (soft and hard copy) – filling needs to include packaging instruction and any approval being given to supplier.
8. as and when needed, assist vc us office developing packaging instructions according to po, sketch and customer/sale’s requirements.
9. work closely with vc us packaging team on packaging development, sampling, photographing
• must speak, read, write and type in both mandarin and english
• must know how to use photoshop, illustrator a plus.
• must have great organizational, operational and communication skills
• must be detail-oriented
• great follow-up skills
• great at following directions
• experienced in translating english to mandarin for packing documents/instructions when relaying information to the factories
• prefer candidate to come from home textile industry, with a minimum of 1 year experience - but would also consider a candidate from another consumer products company where packaging is involved
• must be thorough/accurate when explaining packing/packaging instructions to our qc inspectors, so that they can accurately inspect that it is done according to specification
our qc inspectors, so that they can accurately inspect that it is done according to specification