东莞市明珍电器有限公司,坐落于东莞市虎门镇,是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的综合性高科技企业。毗邻省道s358、g4、g9411。随着业务的发展,公司秉承着诚信经营和高品质的产品,已成长为中国知名毛刷生产商,并自主研发智能扫地机、空气净化器、电动牙刷等,生产实力雄厚。拥有员工300多名,与世界众多跨国公司建立业务联系 ,其中包括tti,syr,hoover, tupperware等。
公司名称: | 明珍电器 |
公司全名: | 东莞市明珍电器有限公司 |
公司性质: | 民营 |
产品分类: | 家具、家电、玩具、礼品 |
所在省市: | 广东-东莞 |
公司行业: | 批发业 |
公司类型: | 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) |
企业规模: | 50-99人 |
法人代表: | 龚平珍 |
注册资本: | 1000万人民币 |
注册时间: | 2013年01月17日 |
注册号: | 441900001505595 |
登记机关: | 东莞市市场监督管理局 |
营业期限: | 2013-01-17至无固定期限 |
经营范围: | 研发、生产、销售:家用电器、电子产品、通讯产品、塑胶制品、五金制品、模具、毛刷、智能门锁;货物进出口、技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 |
废弃电器电子产品处理基金征收管理 | 【四部门:#调整废弃电器电子产品处理基金补贴标准#】3月23日,财政部… [详情] |
废弃电器电子产品桶 | 山东中绿资源再生有限公司废弃电器电子产品资源化综合利用项目(一期… [详情] |
电器增值税税率 | 家电和百姓的生活息息相关,更大规模减税降费政策给家电业带来哪些影… [详情] |
废弃电器电子产品处理基金补贴标准 | 中新经纬客户端3月23日电据财政部网站消息,财政部、生态环境部、国… [详情] |
48v电池系统工程师(电子电器方向) 博世汽车系统(无锡)有限公司 博世汽车系统(无锡)有限公司,博世 job summary:
1. battery system engineering with focus on sub-component of electrical/electronic parts
2. technical interface with bosch internal/external stakeholders within defined responsibility
job roles and responsibilities:
1. battery system engineering according to defined engineering process, with tasks of:
- technical synergy of derivation between battery system level requirement and design requirement of electrical/electronic sub-components within battery system (e.g. relay; fuse; shunt; etc)
- battery system concept/function design with regard of system electrical performance (e.g. current conducting)
- battery system level testing plan and testing concept, considering design verification purpose of system electrical design target
- analysis and evaluation of defect battery pack with potential electrical failures
- derive and provide electrical/electronic relevant standards/regulation evaluation as input for battery product design/verification inputs
2. technical interface with supplier with tasks of:
- requirement specification clarification with supplier
- tracking and ensure technical agreement with cell supplier on cell requirement fulfillment target setting
3. technical interface towards customer/customer project with focus on technical topics and prepare accordingly customer requested deliverables with agreed customer project scope
support / cooperation:
-support validation engineers in design validation tasks on system performance
-support mechanical engineer in battery design with regards mechanical-electrical
master degree in electrical engineering or automotive technology
work experience:
>; 3 years’ experience in electrical/electronic engineering within battery system product
knowledge/ skills:
1.technical expertise of electrical/electronic parts especially battery system relevant
2.technical overview of electrical/electronic standards/regulation/legislation within automotive industry, which are relevant for battery system development
3.experience in automotive development
4.excellent written and verbal communication skills with a strong customer and solution orientation
5.excellent cross-cultural skills (chinese/english as essential, germany as preferred)