公司名称: | 漳春宠物食品 |
公司全名: | 广州市漳春宠物食品有限公司 |
公司性质: | 民营 |
产品分类: | 批发、零售(超市、百货、商场、专卖店) |
所在省市: | 广东-广州 |
公司行业: | 农副食品加工业 |
公司类型: | 有限责任公司(台港澳与境内合资) |
企业规模: | 小于50人 |
法人代表: | 萧碧雯 |
注册资本: | 30万人民币 |
注册时间: | 2010年12月08日 |
注册号: | 440106000344094 |
登记机关: | 广州市增城区工商行政管理局 |
营业期限: | 2010-12-08至2040-12-08 |
经营范围: | 饲料生产(具体产品品种以饲料生产许可证载明为准);饲料添加剂、添加剂预混合饲料生产;饲料零售;饲料批发;货物进出口(涉及外资准入特别管理规定和许可审批的商品除外);(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 |
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注册食品公司流程及费用 | 问题:怎么才能马上看到这种文章呢?答案:只需要点击右上角“关注”即可… [详情] |
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注册食品公司流程及费用 | 问题:怎么才能马上看到这种文章呢?答案:只需要点击右上角“关注”即可… [详情] |
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大客户经理-食品原料工厂销售 to develop business in designated regions in tandem with the business growth of the cfm sales target
key roles & responsibilities, include only essential functions:
1. responsible for building up and maintaining good customer relationship; he/she will call on existing and prospective customers to establish, develop and maintain constant relationship, consistently keep customers informed of new products, services, pricing and changes, coordinates with customers on the execution of sales plans and programs and handles specialized products to aggressively complete with all other vendors in the covered markets.
2. cooperate with internal departments on issues like new product development, quality, production and logistic;
3. trace ar, follow up sales activities & handle daily work from the customers;
4. support cfm manager on daily report and s & op management;
1. bachelor degree of food technology or related
2. minimum 6+ years sales experience – especially in a food manufacturing industry;
3. keep sales record growing;
4. customer oriented and business focus;
5. have good communication skills, pc skills, & presentation skills;
6. hardworking, team spirit and leadership management;
7. willingness to travel extensively;
8. able to work under pressure;
other skills & abilities:
1. well understanding to corporate culture, value and observe to its policy;
2. well understanding to company’s products;
3. good communication skills, presentation skills & team spirit;
4. good team management abilities;
5. develop market sensitivity;
6. able to develop new potential strategic partners;
7. work at home base
to develop business in designated regions in tandem with the business growth of the cfm sales target
key roles & responsibilities, include only essential functions:
1. responsible for building up and maintaining good customer relationship; he/she will call on existing and prospective customers to establish, develop and maintain constant relationship, consistently keep customers informed of new products, services, pricing and changes, coordinates with customers on the execution of sales plans and programs and handles specialized products to aggressively complete with all other vendors in the covered markets.
2. cooperate with internal departments on issues like new product development, quality, production and logistic;
3. trace ar, follow up sales activities & handle daily work from the customers;
4. support cfm manager on daily report and s & op management;
1. bachelor degree of food technology or related
2. minimum 6+ years sales experience – especially in a food manufacturing industry;
3. keep sales record growing;
4. customer oriented and business focus;
5. have good communication skills, pc skills, & presentation skills;
6. hardworking, team spirit and leadership management;
7. willingness to travel extensively;
8. able to work under pressure;
other skills & abilities:
1. well understanding to corporate culture, value and observe to its policy;
2. well understanding to company’s products;
3. good communication skills, presentation skills & team spirit;
4. good team management abilities;
5. develop market sensitivity;
6. able to develop new potential strategic partners;
7. work at home base