founded in 1907 as a messenger company in the united states, ups, or united parcel service inc., has grown into a usd 36 billion corporation by clearly focusing on synchronizing global commerce. today ups, headquartered in atlanta, ga., is a global company with one of the most recognised and admired brands in the world. as the largest express carrier and package delivery company in the world, we are also a leading provider of specialised transportation, logistics, capital, and e-commerce services. ups,或称为联合包裹服务公司,于1907年作为一家信使公司成立于美国,致力于推动全球商务同步发展,并已发展到拥有 360 亿美元资产的规模。ups的总部设在美国乔治亚州的亚特兰大。我们是一家拥有世界最受尊敬品牌之一的全球性公司。作为世界最大的快递承运商和包裹运送公司,我们同时也是专业的运输、物流、资本与电子商务服务等领域的领导者。no company in the world delivers more packages than ups, moving more than 14 million packages and documents daily to more than 200 countries and territories. in addition, ups also operates one of the 9 largest airlines in the world, manages more than ocean shipments annually and processes more than five million u.s. customs entry annually. 目前,全世界没有一家公司的包裹递送量比得上ups。ups每天在两百多个国家和地区范围内递送超过一千四百万份包裹和文件。此外,我们经营着世界第九大航空公司,每年管理着五十万次的远洋运输,同时,每年要处理超过五百万的美国客户。ups commenced business in china in 1988, through a service agreement with sinotrans. since then, it has invested heavily in expanding its distribution network in china and providing more package delivery and supply chain services to reach its commitment to find innovative ways that will enable businesses in china to capitalize on global commerce. 1988年,ups与中国外运集团签订代理业务合作协议,开始了在中国市场的业务。从那以后,我们在中国投入巨资来扩展递送网络,并提供更多的包裹快递和供应链服务,以帮助中国企业找到更佳的方式来参与全球商业往来。in december 2004, ups announced an agreement with sinotrans to take direct control of its international express operations in china. ups began its wholly-owned international express operations in early 2005, and expanded to 23 business centers by the end of 2005, thereby allowing ups to cover more than 200 cities. this marks a significant success ups have achieved in the history of business development in china. 2004年12月,ups宣布了一份与中外运集团达成的协议,协议规定ups将从中外运集团手中接管在中国的国际快递业务。2005年初,ups开始全资经营国内的国际快递业务。2005年底,我们的业务已经迅速扩展到全国23个主要商业城市,覆盖全国200多个城市。这是ups在中国发展历史上的一个重要成就。the strength of ups is its people, working together with a common purpose. although methods, equipment, and procedures are important, and we constantly strive to improve them, our most valuable assets are loyal and capable people. we believe that all our people, and the jobs they perform, can make important contributions to our company. we maintain an environment that enables them to obtain personal satisfaction from their work.ups的优势在于我们的员工能够朝着一个共同的目标而努力。尽管我们在工作中所使用的工作方法、设备和程序很重要,我们也在不断改进,但是忠诚、能干的员工才是我们最宝贵的财产。我们认为,所有ups员工以及他们所从事的工作都能为公司做出重要贡献。基于这个认识,我们努力创造并维护一个良好的环境来满足员工的工作满足感。
ups 于 1907 年作为一家信使公司成立于美国,通过明确地致力于支持全球商业的目标,ups 如今已发展到拥有 360 亿美元资产的大公司。如今的 ups,或者称为联合包裹服务公司,是一家全球性的公司,其商标是世界上最知名、最值得景仰的商标之一。作为世界上最大的快递承运商与包裹递送公司,我们同时也是专业的运输、物流、资本与电子商务服务的领导性的提供者。每天,我们都在世界上 200 多个国家和地域管理着物流、资金流与信息流。